Punjab University to Remove ufcd3

The vice chancellor of Punjab University has directed the removal of all air conditioners (ACs) from the university’s hostels.

This decision was made in response to concerns about the unauthorized use of ACs, which has been causing significant financial losses for the institution. According to university sources, many hostel residents have been using air conditioners for extended periods without contributing to the electricity bills, resulting in substantial monthly costs. The administration estimates that unchecked electricity consumption has been costing the university hundreds of thousands of rupees each month.

The administration clarified that ACs are not permitted in hostels, with exceptions only for foreign students and those with medical conditions, who may install air conditioners with special permission.

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To prevent unauthorized use of ACs and heaters, officials have instructed the installation of circuit breakers. “The use of air conditioners and heaters has driven up electricity bills, making it unsustainable for the university to cover these costs,” an administrative representative explained.

Hostel fees at Punjab University are set at Rs2,000 per month, but the rising electricity expenses have worsened the university’s financial strain. Officials stressed that removing ACs is a necessary measure to curb financial losses and promote fair use of electricity resources.

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