How To Watch: Pak tuberep_3apv

Pakistan will take on Australia tonight in their third match of Group B, with Pakistan looking to bounce back after a loss to arch-rivals India in their last match.

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A personal tragedy has ruled out Pakistan captain Fatima Sana from competing in the Friday game against Australia. With her off to Karachi, this might lead to Muneeba Ali stepping in for her. If Diana Baig is fit, she could also take Sana’s place.

With a win and a loss from their first two games, Pakistan are 3rd in their group, making this a highly crucial game.

Australia has proven its status as champions by achieving an impressive run of 13 consecutive victories in T20 World Cups since 2020. Australia has a perfect record against Pakistan in T20 internationals, having defeated them 13 times without a loss. A win in their upcoming match will almost secure their place in the semi-finals.

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